Annivesrsario 30 anni

Azienda (8) si impegna a proteggere la tua privacy e la tecnologia di sviluppo fornendoti la più potente e sicura esperienza online. Questa Informativa sulla Privacy si applica al sito e regola la raccolta e l'uso di dati. Usando il sito , acconsenti all'utilizzo dei dati descritto in questa informativa.

Raccolta dei tuoi Dati Personali raccoglie dati personali, come ad esempio il tuo indirizzo e-mail, nome, indirizzo o numero di telefono di casa o raccoglie anche informazioni demografiche anonime, non riservate, come il tuo codice ZIP, età, sesso, preferenze, interessi e gusti.

Ci sono anche informazioni riguardo all'hardware e software del tuo computer che vengono raccolte automaticamente da Queste informazioni possono includere: il tuo indirizzo IP, tipo di browser, nomi a dominio, ore di accesso ed indirizzi di siti web di riferimento. Queste informazioni vengono usate da per l'operazione del servizio, per mantenere la qualità del servizio, e per fornire Statistiche generali riguardo all'uso del sito .

Si prega di tenere presente che se si fornisce dati personali o dati personali sensibili direttamente tramite bacheche pubbliche, queste informazioni possono essere raccolte e usate da altri. Nota: non legge le tue comunicazione online private. ti incoraggia a leggere le normative sulla privacy dei siti web ai quali ti colleghi tramite link da affinché tu possa capire come quei siti web raccolgono, usano e condividono le tue non è responsabile per le normative sulla privacy o altri contenuti su siti web esterni da e siti web associati a .

Uso dei tuoi Dati Personali raccoglie e usa i tuoi dati personali per operare il sito wweb e fornire i servizi che hai richiesto. inoltre usa i tuoi dati personali per informarti di altri prodotti o servizi disponibili da ed i suoi affiliati. può anche contattarti tramite sondaggi per condurre una ricerca sulla tua opinione dei servizi attuali o di eventuali servizi nuovi che potrebbero essere offerti. non vende, ne affitta la sua lista clienti a terzi. può, di tanto in tanto, contattarti per conto di soci d'affari esterni per informare di particolari offerte che ti potrebbero interessare. In questi casi, i tuoi dati personali riservati (e-mail, nome, indirizzo, numero di telefono) non vengono trasferite a terzi. Inoltre, può condividere dati con soci di fiducia per aiutarci ad effettuare analisi statistiche, inviarti email o posta ordinaria, fornire assistenza clienti, o organizzare consegne. A tutti questi è vietato usare i tuoi dati personali salvo per fornire questi servizi a , e sono tenuti a mantenere la riservatezza delle tue non usa ne fornisce dati personali sensibili, come informazioni razziali, su fede religiosa, o di carattere politico, senza il tuo esplicito consenso. registra i siti web e le pagine visitate dai nostri clienti all'interno di , per determinare quali servizi di sono più popolari. Questi dati vengono usati per fornire contenuti e pubblicità personalizzata all'interno di a clienti il quale comportamento indica che sono interessati ad un particolare argomento. I siti web forniranno i tuoi dati personali, senza preavviso, solo se necessario per legge o per buona fede ritenendo che tale azione sia necessaria per: (a) conformarsi alle disposizioni di legge o conformarsi con le procedure legali applicate su o il sito; (b) proteggere e difendere i diritti o la proprietà di ; e, (c) agire in circostanze urgenti per proteggere la sicurezza personale degl'utenti di , o persone fisiche.

Uso di Cookies

Il sito web usa "cookies" per aiutarti a personalizzare la tua esperienza online. Un cookie è un file di testo che viene inserito sul tuo hard disk da una pagina Web. I Cookies non possono essere usati per eseguire programmi o fornire dei virus al tuo computer. Cookies vengono assegnati esclusivamente a te, e possono essere letti solamente da un web server nel dominio che ti ha emesso il cookie.

Uno degli scopi principali dei cookies è di fornire una caratteristica di praticità per farti risparmiare tempo. Lo scopo di un cookie è di informare il Web server che sei tornato ad una pagina specifica. Per esempio, se personalizzi pagine di, o registri con il sito o servizi di , un cookie aiuta a a recuperare tue informazioni specifiche nelle visite successive. Questo semplifica il procedimento della registrazione dei tuoi dati personali, come indirizzi di fatturazione, indirizzi di spedizione, e così via. Quando ritorni allo stesso sito web , le informazioni che hai fornito precedentemente possono essere recuperate, in modo da poter usare facilmente le caratteristiche di che hai personalizzato.

Hai la possibilità di accettare o rifiutare i cookies. La maggior parte dei Web browser accettono i cookies automaticamente, ma di solito puoi modificare le impostazioni del tuo browser se preferisci rifiutare i cookies. Se scegli di rifiutare i cookies, non sarai in grado di provare pienamente le caratteristiche interattive dei servizi di o siti web che visiterai.

Sicurezza dei tuoi Dati Personali protegge i tuoi dati personali da accesso, uso o divulgazione non autorizzata. mantiene i dati personali che fornisci su server in un ambiente controllato e sicuro, protetti da accesso, uso o divulgazione non autorizzata.Quando i dati personali (come numero di carta di credito) vengono trasmessi ad altri siti web, sono protetti tramite l'uso di codificazione, come il protocollo Secure Socket Layer (SSL).

Modifiche a questa Normativa a volte aggiornerà questa Normativa sulla Privacy per rispecchiare la reazione dell'azienda e dei clienti. ti incoraggia a rivedere periodicamente questa Normativa per essere informato su come protegge i tuoi dati.

Policy on cookies

Since May 2011 a new privacy law was approved by the European parliament on the obligation for websites to request permission to users to use cookies. The law, denominataEU Cookie Law (, is a fine web, on Personal data and privacy protection. Italy has approved the law by Legislative Decree 69/2012 and 70/2012 and is effective from 1 June 2012.
As for cookies, Italian jurisdiction passes by a regulation officially opt out them liberalized without discrimination, to an opt-in, which requires the user to give a consent, without which cookies can not be activated , unless the use of these is necessary to provide the service requested, as described in Article 2 n. 5 of the Directive. Every website that uses cookies, if not necessary to meet a specific request, must first obtain permission of the user.
The law is directed to all community sites, that is, whose organization / person falls under the jurisdiction of the European regardless of where it is located on your server.
News Law - Updated January 31, 2013
In the update, the ICO (the body responsible for the implementation of the EU Cookie Law) recently wrote an article stating that you no longer have the express consent of cookies on websites, as previously stated (http: // Although this change is not yet in force and the law can not be defined canceled, is the de facto end of its importance for all the insiders of the web.
Unlike before, the Italian law is now more permissive, and allows the use of cookies with informed consent expressed also with "specific configurations of computer programs or devices", then select settings in browsers used to navigate.
Since you clearly refers to article 13, the existence of cookies must be communicated from the sites, by means of a notice or other, indicating the use and putting in condition navigator read the disclosure perhaps through a link in site.
We have prepared the following Policy to describe the types of cookies used on our website and on our platform, and to describe the reasons and conditions of their use. Please note that we can not offer our Site and our services to your device without sending some of our cookies. Therefore, You authorize us to use them when you use our site and our services.
What are Cookies?
Cookies are small text strings, not necessarily within the computer file, sent by a server to a client, then from a website to the visitor, and then sent back to the reading from the server. Every time the user returns to the same website, the browser retrieves and sends the file to the site server. In general, the purpose of cookies is to improve the operation of the website and the user experience using the same, for example, through automatic authentication, storing the language, size and type of text, location, or information for statistical purposes, because in itself webpages have no "memory".
Cookies are not viruses, and use a plain text format. They can not make copies of themselves and spread to other networks to run and replicate again.
No personal user data is acquired from the site. We do not use cookies to transmit information of a personal nature, nor are systems for tracking users.
If you have not already done so, you'll want to set your browser to automatically update, in order to eliminate security gaps caused by outdated browsers. These may in fact be exploited by malicious people to manipulate cookies and acquire private information without your consent.
If you share access to your computer, you should always delete browsing data every time you close your browser. This increases security by eliminating sensitive data after your browsing session.
Cookies Part
We may send cookies to your device through our website. These cookies, which belong to the site that created them, are defined in Part Cookies. They are constantly enabled and are required to run the site's features.
Session Cookies
Session Cookies are essential to enable a safe and efficient site (Essential Cookies). They disappear when the browser is closed, and its associated data is deleted from the system within one hour. For this type of cookie is not mandatory to acquire the prior informed consent from the user, as they are subject and readable only domino that created them.
Cookies Domain are designed to recognize the registered user at his return to the site once they have been authenticated personal credentials. Allow for example to fill the cart, easily perform payment transactions, resolve security issues and ensure compliance with applicable law. These Cookies are part of the group session, as user and password are never stored on our Site after your exit and you must include them every time you want to access the site.
Persistent Cookies
We also use Cookies for Customizing, which allow us to store your preferences, such as your spoken language, as font size or the geographic area from which you visit us. They modify the behavior and appearance of the site according to your needs, improving your navigation. These cookies store information even after the browser is closed, and are called Persistent Cookies.
Cookies Performance
The Performance Cookies collect anonymous information about the use that is made of the site and allow us to improve its functioning. For example show us which pages are most frequently visited, allow us to see which are the recurring patterns of use of the Site, help us to understand all difficulties you encounter when using and shows the efficiency of the advertising that is published on the site.
Third Party Cookies
Some of our performance cookies are managed for us by third parties. We do not allow the third party to use the cookies for purposes other than those listed above. We use Google Analytics
Google Analytics
Google Analytics is a free web analysis provided by Google, which sends cookies to your device. The information generated by your use of the website, including your IP address, is transmitted to Google and stored on its servers. Google uses this information to evaluate your use of the Site, prepare reports on website activity for website operators and providing other services relating to website activity and internet usage. Google may also transfer this information to third parties if required by law or if third parties process the information on Google's behalf. However Google will not associate your IP address with any other data that Google owns.
In particular, the following are the cookies used by Google Analytics:
Name Cookie Duration
_utmc Session
_utmv 2 years
_utmb 30 minutes
_utma 2 years
_utmz 6 months
For more information about Google Analytics, you can consult: https: // its privacy policyhttp: // html.
Social Media
If you have previously interacted with social as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or Google Plus, your browser sends information about these cookies to Social when you visit our site by clicking the "Like" or another plug-in capital. These cookies are used by the Social Network to provide you with a personalized experience on our site, to maintain and improve the service and to protect both you and the site from malicious activity.
We can host such content to YouTube, if we believe that this can improve your experience. You can share content you like through Facebook or include content taken from Twitter.
For the privacy policies, related to:
Third Party Cookies
Third Party Cookies are created and subject to external domains to our site, and are the true goal of this legislation. Advertisers and others use their own cookies to collect information about your activities or on advertisements on which you clicked. This information could be used by them to present adverts which they believe can be more interesting for you. Advertisers may also use them to measure the effectiveness of their advertising campaigns. We have no control over these cookies.
How to block cookies
If you do not wish to receive cookies on your device, you can manage the enabling cookies by going to the "Settings" or Tools "menu of the main browser. This allows you for example to disable cookies for all sites, except those you trust.
Please note that disabling our cookies, you will not have access to many features that make the site more efficient and some of our services will not function properly. Also, because the cookies are used to identify products in the basket during the transmission procedure of the purchase order, you can not place orders.
You can choose to turn off third-party cookies, without compromising the proper functioning of our site. This may result, however, the viewing of advertising messages that are not of interest. Please note that this exclusion by third parties is not subject to our control.
To help you better understand how you can change your privacy settings, you point out a series of links that might be useful:
• CHROME: https: // Hl = en
• SAFARI: http: //
Another feature of most browsers is the mode dinavigazione incognito. You can browse in Incognito mode when not want your website visits or your downloads are recorded in your browsing and download. All cookies created in Incognito mode are automatically deleted when you close all browser windows.
Alternatively, your browser options contain the "Clear browsing data". You can use it to delete cookies, data site and plug-ins, including the data stored on your device from Adobe Flash Player (Flash Cookies).
See these sites for more information, or select "Help" from your browser to have a guide online.

Under construction.

All our frames are made of sturdy galvanized tubular, and are very easy to install. The covers are available in sheets and special non-drip polycarbonate, hail nets, shading of various densities or PVC tarpaulin.

We take great care in  designing, also customized items, implementation and delivery of the product.

We also provide education and support for mounting.

The whole process of:

  • design
  • production
  • assembling

is performed internally in the plant of Levada Ponte di Piave by highly qualified staff.


Since 1984 Agri Ponte produces and sells to individuals and companies tailored greenhouses and roofing for professionals and lovers of nature, of various shapes.

Thanks to continuous research and innovation it is well known for reliability of its products for gardens and flowers, either professional or not, agricultural warehouses and industrial warehouses.
